October Homeward Bound Newsletter

George Lorimer
Thursday, September 27, 2018
October Homeward Bound Newsletter

George Lorimer's “Home”Ward Bound 
Impactful Real Estate News, October 2018


Moms and Halloween!

It's creepy and it's kooky -- and it's Mom's favorite low-stress holiday! According to mom after mom, those infamous "big name" holidays—you know which ones we mean—are sometimes more headache than a highlight. The pressure! The presents! The out-of-town guests or out-of-town travel, the cooking and cleaning, the expense! But Halloween—that's a different story. More than two-thirds of Mom’s are involved in celebrating with their families.
What I love best about Halloween is all the little things that I see families doing every year, stuff that's unique to their family, not part of some big commercial idea about what the holiday should be like.  Whether it’s just the basics—costume, trick-or-treating, candy eating— now we've got a whole series of activities and special events that many kids totally look forward to—from roasting pumpkin seeds to making a scary straw man for the front porch.  Things don’t have to be fancy, elaborate, or expensive, but it's all uniquely about family traditions and memories that kids will treasure their whole lives.
Go on, string fake webs all over your porch, hang ghosts from the trees, cut out scary silhouettes and tape them in the windows, or create a cemetery in your front yard! Halloween's one time you can really go over the top with your kids.  Halloween is one time even the most health-conscious moms can give in to their sweet fangs without any guilt at all.

AND Remember… YOUR Referrals Help the Kids. www.GeorgesReferralRewards.com 

(Great opportunity to get involved and get exercise before Thanksgiving). 

My heart breaks for many young people and families who will not be able to enjoy this fun time of the year out trick or treating or going to Halloween parties.
As you know, tragedy falls on many in this life. Tragedies like sickness, cancers and other nasty diseases.  We aim to do what we can to help kids who are unable to get out and have fun right now, due to these evil health problems, so our Go Serve Big mission to raise $10,000 for Children’s Hospital is on!  As you probably know Rady Children’s Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network does great work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty diseases and cancers, as well as early diagnosis of autism and spinal cord injury. And since Children’s Hospital is a nonprofit, they depend on Sponsorships and Donations to continue their leading-edge care and keep costs down for the families of these amazing kids. We remain committed to donating a portion of our income from selling homes to the great work that they do.  So, YOUR REFERRALS HELP THE KIDS!
Anyone you know considering buying or selling a home please refer them on over to my real estate sales team.  Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but a very worthy cause will benefit as well.  You can always call me direct at 619-846-1244 or forward my number on. Or visit our site: www.GeorgesReferralRewards.com 
Thank you so much for check supporting our Go Serve Big mission.  I hope you and your family are well and this month of tricks and treats is full of, well, treats.  
With all my appreciation.
George Lorimer

We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking forward to hearing from you! We will do our best to reply to you within 24 hours !

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