Here are some of the factors investors look at for Cash Offers. They are usually lower than you is why.
Call George today to discuss the sale of your home 619-846-1244.
1. Figure out what it will sell for when fixed up. (ARV)
2. Estimate costs.
a. what repairs will be done and how much.
b. what profit will you be looking for (fixed $20K minimum or a percentage of ARV 5-8%).
c. how much will it cost to sell 5-7% of ARV.
3. Subtract costs from (ARV) and come up with an offer price.
Here is an example
$500K (ARV- After repair value)
$45K in repairs and renovations
$35K profit
$40K in the cost of sale
$120K total cost
We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking forward to hearing from you! We will do our best to reply to you within 24 hours !
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