Nowadays, most people like to research info on their own. This is especially true of San Diego and all the millennials.
Therefore, I've invested in technology for our customers that ranks new listings as a great price, a fair price, or a high price. It's FREE, and we would love your feedback. Search homes here.
It also gives you priority access to coming soon and off-market homes.
That way, you can save time and focus on the homes you like that are at a great price and see them instantly. The AI bot also can set up a search for you.
Sell your home for more money with George Lorimer. We have Commissions Starting @ 1% to maximize your equity. Thank you,
If you'd like to call or text George Lorimer at 619-846-1244
We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking forward to hearing from you! We will do our best to reply to you within 24 hours !
Find out about the "Real Estate Catch-22", and how you can avoid major stress when selling your home.